Ice and Snow Management for Homes and Businesses

Falls Church gets about 20 inches of snow a year. While this might not seem like a lot, piles of snow can wreak havoc on your yard and driveway. Our team at The Grounds Guys of Falls Church can handle snow and ice buildup in your front yard or your business.

Ready to get started? Call us or request an estimate online today.

Snow outside of a business.

Our Ice and Snow Management Services

Most people can shovel snow out of their driveway, but it can be time-consuming and, in some cases, harmful. Every year, around 100 people die as a result of shoveling snow, according to the National Safety Council. Our team offers safe and effective snow & ice management services in the McLean area and beyond.

The Grounds Guys of Falls Church offers the following with our snow management services:

  • Weather monitoring: Our team regularly checks the weather and sends out notifications to customers if a snowy winter storm is incoming.
  • Standby services: We keep our team and our equipment prepared to go at any moment, so as soon as you need your yard and driveway cleared, we’re on our way.
  • Personalized calibrations: Every yard is slightly different and requires meticulous care. We have instruments to tell us the dew point and ground temperature of your property specifically, and we keep them tuned to your conditions.
  • GPS assurance: Our team also has GPS eyes on our machines, so we can ensure your snow removal experts are providing efficient service on time.
  • Hazard evaluation: Before the first snowfall, we take our time inspecting your property to detect elements that might get hidden by drifts or accumulation to prevent injuries or accidents after the snow.

Why Is Snow Removal Important?

According to city code, residents need to remove snow and ice from sidewalks surrounding their property 12 hours after the snow stops falling. Additionally, commercial property owners need to remove snow and ice from sidewalks surrounding their business 6 hours after snow stops falling.

People rarely have time to routinely maintain their driveways and sidewalks, which is where we come in. As soon as the snow stops falling, we can get to work clearing your property of snow and ice, preventing any city fines or potential injuries on icy sidewalks.

person walking on an ice covered sidewalk

Preparing for Ice Buildup

Removing snow from your yard and walkways is not only essential for safety but also the law in Falls Church.

Ice can be hazardous if it’s not taken care of. Thousands of people are injured every year in slip and fall injuries related to slippery surfaces. Ice is also hard to see, especially in the early morning or later in the evening, when it’s darker outside.

Here are 3 easy ways to prevent injury to your visitors or customers from slippery ice and ice buildup:

  • Prepare before the storm: Before the storm begins, you can prevent ice buildup from forming by using chemical deicers or laying waterproof material (such as a plastic tarp) on your sidewalks to prevent ice formation.
  • Respond quickly: Ice usually happens after snow falls, melts, and refreezes. Before the sun has a chance to melt new snow, call us for quick and efficient snow removal service. We quickly respond so ice doesn’t have a chance to form.
  • Continue de-icing: After the snow falls, our team uses magnesium or calcium chloride to melt ice, which is easier on sidewalks than using too much salt.

Get an Estimate for Ice Removal & Snow Management

snow removed from parking spaces

Before the winter gets going, talk to our team to set up an appointment. The Grounds Guys of Falls Church is the trusted name for landscaping and snow removal services in Falls Church. Let us take a look at your home or business to assess the situation and make recommendations for snow removal services tailored to your property. Our team loves providing five-star work and customer service!

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Contact us or request a job estimate online to get started today.
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    Safe, Reliable Equipment Maintained Daily

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    Status and Quality Reports Delivered Timely

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