Fertilization, Weed, & Pest Service in Garner, NC

Keeping Your Home & Lawn Free of Weeds & Pests

If you’re like most homeowners in Garner and Clayton, NC, you have a lot on your plate, making it difficult to fit in time to worry about weeds and pests. The Grounds Guys of Garner offer professional lawn fertilization, weed, and pest control services. Don’t let pests getting in through your home’s cracks and holes or weeds popping up in your yard ruin your day. Our lawn care professionals will handle every service you need, such as lawn fertilizer service, green pest services, weed removal services, and other essential tasks. We invite you to learn more about our tree and lawn fertilization, weed removal, and pest control, and then contact our expert team today to schedule service.

The Grounds Guys employees performing lawn work
Grounds Guys lawn expert standing next to a trailer

Tree Fertilization Services for Homeowners

Homeowners in North Carolina should be able to relax on breezy warm weather days and find comforting shade under the trees on their properties. We will take care of all the hard work to ensure your trees grow and stay healthy with proper fertilization. Trees need fertilization to encourage their roots to grow, especially if your property has newly planted trees. The Grounds Guys of Garner are ready to help your trees grow to their fullest potential. Once your tree establishes its roots, our experts can give it an extra boost of nutrients to help your tree stave off stress from droughts or pests.

The Benefits of Professional Lawn Fertilization

Residents of Garner and Clayton, North Carolina love to keep their lawns lush and green. However, your lawn won’t achieve or maintain this condition without some tender loving care from our professional lawn care and landscaping experts. If you’ve been looking for lawn fertilizer service near you and feel overwhelmed from picking the right company, The Grounds Guys of Garner are a prime choice. Our lawn fertilizing service ensures your lawn gets the nutrients it needs to grow at its best and stay strong and healthy. We develop custom lawn fertilization plans specific you’re your property’s needs and use professional, high-quality, controlled-release lawn fertilizers. The fertilization process strengthens root structure and aids in water retention and durability. Thick and healthy grass also helps to control weeds by making it difficult for weed seeds to get into your soil while not providing adequate water or sunlight to those that do make it through. Our experienced lawn control specialists customize nutrient mixes based on your lawn’s needs, treating all lawn types, whether you have a new or more established lawn. The main ingredients used in lawn fertilizer help fortify your lawn and give it sufficient strength to take root and fight off pests and disease. Learn about three of the main ingredients used in lawn fertilizer:

  • Nitrogen – Essential for green, healthy lawn growth.
  • Potassium – Strengthens grass, making it resistant to disease and drought.
  • Phosphorous – Aids in root growth and germination.

Kicking Weeds to the Curb

Weeds are undoubtedly a nuisance to anyone with a lawn, but dealing with them can be simple when you hire The Grounds Guys of Garner. Weeds are a clear way to transform your beautiful, green lawn into an eyesore. We offer homeowners various weed removal services, including pre-and post-emergent weed control to stop weeds from spreading in your lawn and damaging your landscaping. Weeds consume valuable resources and take up the valuable space your plants and grass need. Let us treat various types of weeds, such as clover, crabgrass, dandelion, speedwell, and more.

Pest Control Solutions for Homeowners

Pests can adapt pretty easily to adversities in your lawn, especially when you try using do-it-yourself pest control treatments. You can rely on The Grounds Guys of Garner’s pest control professionals because we invest in the best treatments for clients’ lawns, and our green pest services eliminate pests from your home and prevent them from returning. Our barrier protection services make it hard for pests to find an entry point into your home. We also offer perimeter spray treatment to prevent pest infestations, so you can relax knowing you won’t have any unwanted houseguests crawling on your walls or in your kitchen.

Schedule Your Pest, Weed, or Fertilization Service Today

Garner and Clayton homeowners searching for effective pest, weed, or fertilization services can trust The Grounds Guys of Garner’s professional solutions. Our experienced team can visit your home and provide a free quote for service. We want to help you maintain your lawn and home’s beauty while keeping them pest and weed-free. Contact us today to get started by requesting an estimate or scheduling an appointment.

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